Driving Miss Kate
Merle contacted ACTION concerned and looking for assistance for her best friend Kate. Kate is 100 years young, and totally independent in all aspects of daily life, except driving. Kate’s granddaughter used to drive her around town to run her errands, but recently her granddaughter moved out of the area, and Kate doesn’t have any other family or friends close by to assist her. When the “call to action” was put out to the churches and volunteers many people responded. Amber, new to the area, was the first to respond. When Kate and Amber met they “clicked” right away. Amber’s young child comes along for the rides when she takes Kate to the grocery store, the movie theater, the senior center, and other places around town. Kate loves having Amber help her continue to run her errands and Amber enjoys getting to know her way around town with a seasoned guide. For Kate and Amber time spent together is one of their favorite parts of the week. Surely a new friendship has been formed between these two, and Amber has shown love to her neighbor.